7 steps to planning a supported short break with Bunji Travel

Here’s our essential advice to make the most of your supports and enjoy unforgettable trips with Bunji Travel.

Gerald's NDIS Travel Tips

Gerald, Bunji's Participant Engagement Manager, has shared his top seven travel tips to guarantee a smooth and enjoyable experience for participants. Whether you're an adventure enthusiast or looking for a relaxing getaway, these tips will ensure your short break is tailored to your needs.

Have clear goals

When developing your NDIS plan ensure you include goals related to supported travel and independence building, and that your goals reflect what you want to achieve from your short break.

For example: if your goal is to learn to be independent outside of your daily routine, travel is the perfect way to get outside of that routine. One of our participants' goals was to experience a new place without the support of their family but they didn’t want to be too far from home, so we suggested a trip to Sydney to explore its different sites.

Ensure you have adequate funding

Check with your Support Coordinator or your NDIS Portal to ensure you have correct support categories available.

Make sure that you have adequate funding for your support needs, the length of your stay, and the support ratio. For example, you may only have enough available funds to go on a group short break as opposed to an individualised 1:1 short break.

Check out Bunji Travel’s offerings

Bunji Travel pre-plans all of its short breaks and there are many trips to choose from. 

Check out Bunji Travel’s website to see every trip that is on offer. From short breaks within NSW to seeing sights interstate and overseas, Bunji Travel has something to suit everyone! You can download our Bunji Travel booklet or give us a call and we can mail one to you. 

Alternatively, Bunji Travel creates individualised short break packages organised for you, and designed by you. Creating a trip with Bunji Travel allows you to get the most out of your supports, allowing you to focus on the most important thing, having fun.

Book early

Bunji Travel’s short breaks can fill up fast and there are often booking limits to the amount of people who can come with us. Booking early will avoid disappointment! This is especially important if you have a specific destination or date in mind.

We can also give you a quote and provide supporting documentation to take to your next planning meeting.

Communicate your expectations

Let Bunji Travel know everything you're hoping to get from your trip. Whether you're a thrill-seeker or prefer a more relaxed pace, communicating your preferences ensures that we can tailor the experience to meet your expectations. This includes making new friends, creating lasting memories, and maximising your time with the Bunji team.

Choose the right travel insurance

There are a range of different travel insurance companies offering a variety of services. It is important to research which travel insurance would best suit you individually, based on your needs. This is particularly important for overseas trips and cruises. Ask your Support Coordinator to help you research and choose the right one for you. 

Insure and Go is a great reliable service provider that offers a range of options to choose from.

Follow the Bunji Travel packing list

Once you have booked a trip, attached to your detailed trip itinerary you'll find the all-important Bunji packing list. This checklist is designed to help you ensure you don't forget anything crucial, such as your passport or ID card, medications, and personal items. Following the list will help you stay organised and fully prepared for your adventure.

By following Gerald's seven travel tips, you're not only ensuring a seamless booking process; you're empowering yourself to make the most of support available to you and setting the stage for an unforgettable trip with Bunji Travel. Check out Bunji Travel to see every trip that is on offer. Happy travels!


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